Are you tired of pop music? Tired of the meaningless lyrics, repetitive "beats", and the endless stream of garbage shoved down the American public's collective throat and ears? Well, friend, you've come to the right place!
On this humble blog, my brother and I will attempt to combat the injustices of the Billboard Hot 100. Our goal is not to simply mock what someone considers to be "art." Our goal is to tear into the plastic, pre-packaged, flat-out boring wasteland that is 90% of popular music. Unlike other "this sucks" blogs, however, we will offer pleasing alternatives to the songs we tear into. That way, you can become a more educated listener, and possibly join our fight against the rising tide of mediocrity on our airwaves.
Two things before you begin your journey:
1.) The phenomenon of mediocre music attaining popularity isn't a new one. Need an example? In 1969, the Beatles released Abbey Road. David Bowie put out "Space Oddity." Elvis Presley's song "Suspicious Minds" became one of his last #1 singles. Friggin' Woodstock happened. Fair to say that 1969 was a good year for music, yeah? Know what the #1 single from that year was? This thing by a band that wasn't even actually a freaking band! That's what we're up against people. It's gonna be an uphill climb.
2.) Music is entirely subjective. There are very few songs that are objectively bad. We're not out to hurt anyone's feelings, even if we do so from time to time. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, especially with regards to music. That said, this blog should challenge those of you who love pop music--and that's a good thing! You shouldn't just read stuff you agree with; that's how Fox News happens. (NOTE: That will be the lone borderline political joke on this blog. Enjoy it.)
Lastly, we are but two humble brothers. If you notice a gaping hole in our lineup of "Songs so bad we wrote a page about them," drop us a line! We do take requests and feedback!
Here's to good music!
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